Maximize Profits and Reduce Mineral Waste

Uncovering Value in Mineral Waste

IntoCeramics brings more than 70 years of boots-on-the-ground experience in manufacturing operations and leadership.

Our core expertise is ceramics with our combined years of working in the trenches giving us practical perspective to guide our clients to a variety of effective solutions.

How We Help

We Support You from Start to Finish

Laboratory Analysis

Laboratory Analysis

Analyze and evaluate your bulk material to determine potentially exploitable minerals for extraction and processing.

Formulation & Testing

Formulation & Testing

Process and blend minerals derived from your source material and test their effectiveness as raw materials for ceramics.

Ceramics manufacturing process overview

Pilot Scale Validation

Test the process developed for your source material, producing pilot-scale batches for evaluation by potential end-users.

Formulation and testing of ceramic materials

Process Design & Construction

Design manufacturing processes, specify equipment, and represent you during all phases of construction and start-up.

Plant Operation & Optimization

Apply six sigma lean manufacturing, build teams, and develop plant culture to optimize operations and performance.

Pilot scale validation for ceramic products

Commercial Viability

Leverage network of industry decision-makers to introduce your product to the market and find commercial outlets.

View Our Brochures

Into Ceramics Brochure: Uncovering Value in Mineral Waste
OPF Enterprises Brochure: Company Overview


We’ve written a book about it

Book: On the Plant Floor, A practical guide to daily leadership in the manufacturing factory.

On The Plant Floor

Boots on the ground manufacturing professionals with over 50 collective years of experience on the plant floor. The book provides a practical guide to daily leadership in the manufacturing environment. The work is educational, inspiring, and entertaining to all markets interested in management and leadership improvements.

About The Book…